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Riga, Latvia
Company Overview
AppXite is a provider of subscription management and billing platforms, tailored specifically for distributors, software vendors, telcos, managed service providers (MSPs), and sellers. The company focuses on facilitating the sale, management, and billing of subscription-based services through a comprehensive SaaS platform. AppXite's mission centers around reducing transaction costs and maximizing profitability by leveraging automation and integration to streamline as-a-service offerings across the global tech ecosystem. AppXite operates on a global scale, serving customers across multiple continents, focusing on enhancing the capabilities of its platform to meet diverse customer needs in the digital cloud environment.
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Products and Services


AppXite is a comprehensive platform designed to automate and manage subscription-based businesses across various sectors. It serves as a multifunctional platform for distributors, software vendors, telcos, managed service providers (MSPs), and sellers, facilitating the entire lifecycle of subscription management and billing.
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