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Skjetten, Norway
Company Overview is a comprehensive affiliate marketing platform designed primarily to serve advertisers and publishers in the finance, e-commerce, travel, and service industries. Founded in 2014 and based in Skjetten, Norway, Circlewise offers a range of services aimed at enhancing performance marketing through in-house affiliate programs and comprehensive partnership management tools.
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Products and Services

Circlewise is a comprehensive affiliate marketing platform designed primarily to serve advertisers and publishers in the finance, e-commerce, travel, and service industries. The platform has a user-friendly interface, which includes customizable performance and transaction reports that are essential for affiliates to monitor and optimize their offers. Circlewise facilitates easy management, recruitment, and payment of publishers, allowing advertisers to fully leverage affiliate marketing tools. Additionally, publishers benefit from direct access to affiliate programs and competitive payouts. Circlewise's technology stack supports multiple tracking layers, geo and device tracking, open-source publisher marketplaces, and rich media ads. This setup aids advertisers and publishers in maximizing their income and building trusted partnerships by automating and outsourcing manual tasks, thereby consolidating diverse partnerships onto a single platform. The platform also supports modern financing solutions such as peer-to-peer (P2P) lending, insurance, and smooth transactions across various digital currencies, enhancing its utility in financial operations.
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