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San Francisco, California, United States
Company Overview
Enable is a B2B rebate management software company founded in 2016 with headquarters in San Francisco, California. The company's software platform consolidates rebate data from various systems into a single, trusted source, enabling informed business decisions, and automates workflows to improve operational efficiency and eliminate bottlenecks in rebate calculations.
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Products and Services


Enable is a cloud-based rebate management platform that helps businesses streamline and automate their rebate processes. Core Functionality includes: Automated rebate calculation, settlement, and collection to reduce errors and increase efficiency; Support for various rebate types like incentives, retrospective discounts, volume rebates, co-op funds, promotions, loyalty schemes, and more. Dynamic forecasting to review, adjust, and model projected rebates based on seasonality. Customizable hierarchies for organizing products, trading partners, and business units. Key Features include: Inventory rebate accounting, aged reporting, receipting, payment allocation for rebates; Alerts on opportunities to maximize rebate potential from live deals; Trading agreement document generation and review; Performance tracking of current year vs previous year and forecasts; Integration with ERP systems to sync products, invoices, shipments and calculate rebates.
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