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Vancouver, Canada
Company Overview
Marqui (now part of Givex) is a fully-featured, SaaS-based, digital marketing Content Management System. Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada the company was founded in 2000 and merged with Givex in 2014.
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Products and Services


Givex features a comprehensive menu of gift cards, loyalty cards, giveaway cards and other e-gifts, plus a range of extras and options for brands, such as design-your-own card and card loss protection. At the center of Givex is analytics. Givex has over 250 reports on gift and loyalty programs accessible from an administrative portal. These reports cover every aspect of promotion program’s performance. Depending on each client’s needs, Givex offers different levels of reporting and analytics, including custom solutions. Givex can also integrate with a company's existing accounting software and reporting systems.
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GivexEngageAI is an artificial intelligence (AI) platform that enhances customer relationships through data-driven profiles and highly targeted engagement campaigns.
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Marketing Function Customer Engagement and Retention