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San Diego, California, United States
Company Overview
PartnerOptimizer is a partner discovery engine for B2B technology companies who go-to-market through reseller channel partners. PartnerOptimizer leverages neutral data-driven business intelligence, data analytics and domain expertise to provide you with custom channel insights, pinpointed partner discovery and channel optimization. We have a comprehensive North American database of more than 160,000 channel partner company profiles.
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Products and Services


PartnerOptimizer is an AI-driven platform designed to enhance B2B technology channel partnerships. It uses advanced algorithms to help channel sales and marketing professionals discover and engage with the most suitable partners efficiently. The platform supports tasks such as partner discovery, profiling, and scoring, and provides insights to optimize partner engagement and revenue. It's tailored for channel ecosystems, aiming to streamline partner data management and improve partnership outcomes through precise matching and profiling based on comprehensive business attributes.
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