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Belgrade, Serbia
Company Overview
Price2Spy is an online price monitoring, comparison and repricing tools for small to large online retailers, manufacturers/brands and distributors from a variety of industries all over the world. The tool helps eCommerce professionals to monitor, track and analyze their competitors' or retailers' product pricing and availability. Users are offered both pricing acquisition as well as multiple reporting mechanisms for analyzing data.
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Products and Services


Price2Spy is an online price monitoring, pricing analytics, and repricing tool for small to large online retailers, manufacturers/brands, and distributors from a variety of industries all over the world. The tool helps eCommerce professionals track and analyze their competitors' or retailers' product pricing and availability. Analysis helps businesses identify pricing opportunities, such as which products are under-priced or if the price can be reduced, but remain within the desired profit margin. Integrating Price2Spy with Google Analytics 4 enables cross-referencing and analyzing two data sets for better pricing decisions. Price2Spy's API enables tight integration with the organization's software and allows automatic price matching following the competitor's. If the price changes are within a certain margin or above a given threshold, pricing can be updated automatically without any action needed. The repricing module helps you make concrete repricing decisions and keep track of decisions you've made in the past. Additionally, Price2Spy integrates across numerous eCommerce platforms, including Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, 3dcart, WooCommerce, PrestaShop, GoogleShopping Feed, Shopware, Kelkoo, Shopmania, etc. enabling you to adjust your prices and perform real-time repricing.
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Marketing Function Research

Product Category Pricing Optimization