Company Overview
Automaton knows that the marketers rely on technology to perform miracles. But marketers are setup to fail.
Sure, technology is the easiest way to increase output, manage cost pressures, and remain compliant is. But, marketers are managing techstacks IT won’t even touch.
IT would insist that the stack be tested. End to end. Repeatedly. Web forms functioning? Leads routing? Can we pass an audit? For the marketer, these tools just don’t exist.
That’s why we built Atomatest.
Atomatest delivers IT know-how to the marketer. Leads aren’t lost, digital ad spend isn’t wasted, and when something breaks – it won’t go unnoticed.
Atomatest is a testing platform that gives you a simple, automated way to test landing pages, campaigns and integrations. The tool helps you automate monitoring, test multiple different personas and variations, and sets recurrence to make sure everything is running as expected - all at scale. Atomatest is built for a business user but with the same powerful testing tools an SDET might use, allowing drop down configuration rather than code.