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Imagine Software

New York, New York, United States
Company Overview
Imagine offers the power of a real-time, institutional-grade portfolio and risk management software solution, and provides clients the choice of full-service on-line accessibility with real-time pricing, security master, corporate actions, derived market data, and 24/7 connectivity or a traditional in-house software installation.
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Products and Services

Imagine Financial Platform

Financial developers, systems integrators, software vendors, consultants and internal technology staff use the flexible and extensible Imagine Financial Platform (IFP) to create a range of portfolio management, risk and regulatory solutions.
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Imagine Trading System

The power and versatility of the Imagine Trading System stems from its genesis as a sell-side, enterprise-class application originally developed to serve the demanding portfolio and risk management needs of the world’s largest financial institutions. Imagine’s integrated real-time data, analytics, and solutions platform drive the entire front-to-back engine for financial clients who are increasingly opting for cloud-based services, where feasible, as they seek to reduce costs while improving capabilities.
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