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Legit Fish

Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Company Overview
Legit Fish is a seafood traceability solution that increases the value of seafood products in the domestic commercial fishing industry, maintains seafood sustainability in our oceans and enhances food safety standards for the consumer.
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Products and Services

Legit Fish

Legit Fish assists fishing, aquaculture and seafood trade operators to protect confidentiality and link grounded government data into front-end traceability systems. Through the use of Legit Fish's proprietary fishery database technology, fishery data is effectively linked to various traceability systems retaining necessary confidentially and data security for participants. Legit Fish can operate independently as a standalone verification and authentication system throughout the supply chain, or provide a secure and grounded electronic data repository for the fisheries and seafood trade sectors where consolidated, verifiable and authenticated data can be managed and shared with front end track and trace applications and other ERP software. The Legit Fish system authenticates seafood products by linking them back to official government landing records. The system allows fishing companies to retain confidentiality of their information while providing consumers a solid verification of each individual lot of product that has been transacted. Using current available technology, Legit Fish extracts information from government databases, ERP software, supply chain invoices, and purchase orders, and uses secure systems to verify and authenticate the source of seafood products. Legit Fish can be used by trade partners to decide collectively which information they chose to share downstream to traceability applications, research institutions, or corporate management.
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