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Michael Norris

Wellington, New Zealand
Company Overview
Michael’s ‘SoundMagic Spectral’ suite of real-time FFT-based AudioUnit plug-ins has been used extensively in both industry and academia worldwide, including by artists such as Aphex Twin and Brian Eno as well as in feature film soundtracks and sound design. Michael's other interests include audio spatialisation, network audio, and computer-aided musicianship and theory tools.
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Products and Services

Soundmagic Spectral

SoundMagic Spectral is a freeware suite of 23 Audio Unit plug-ins that implement real-time spectral processing of sound. This groundbreaking set of effects give you unprecedented control and creativity in the processing of audio, whether from static audio files or live audio streams. SoundMagic Spectral builds on the work of the OS 9 software known as SoundMagic DSP, and takes it to even more exotic sonic realms.
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