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Motiva AI

Menlo Park, California, United States
Company Overview
Motiva powers a new kind of customer-centric engagement for modern marketers everywhere. They use AI to create adaptive marketing automation, giving marketing teams better performing campaigns - automatically.
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Products and Services

Motiva AI

Motiva AI is a complete AI solution for Eloqua. Motiva AI saves your team hundreds of hours per year in labor while it improves your entire marketing practice, from audience definition and discovery to messaging optimization to funnel performance. Think of Motiva AI as a powerful new member of your team.
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Motiva PX

Motiva PX is an adaptive patient experience platform that engages patients and frees up patient-facing staff to improve health outcomes at lower cost. The core of Motiva PX is listening to and learning from patients in order to give them the support they need. From recruitment campaigns to ongoing personalized behavioral programming, to tailored reminders, Motiva PX finds what works for patients and adapts your patient outreach strategy to them.
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