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Redwood City, California, United States
Company Overview
Pacer Health Inc. was founded to leverage commonly available smart phone technology to provide simple, high-value health and fitness programs that anyone can use. Pacer Health, Inc. now provides world-class mobile health and fitness solutions for both consumers and business users.
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Products and Services

Pacer for Teams

Pacer for Teams is a wellness app enabling individuals and companies to encourage members of each team to achieve fitness goals. Pacer Groups and Pacer for Teams Account Owners have access to four virtual challenge types, as well as extra challenge features and settings that create an improved in-app experience, including participant goal progress displays, improved branding opportunities, and external links to non-profit fundraising websites. Individuals, communities, brands, and organizations can use Pacer virtual events to create one to 60-day long challenges, run different challenge types at the same time, and promote a brand or fundraising cause.
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