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Chennai, India
Company Overview
Paperflite is a marketing collateral and sales content management platform. With Paperflite marketing teams can curate, organize and distribute their content to sales teams, customer success teams and channel partners. Paperflite provides real time engagement analytics on internal and external user interaction with your content so sales reps can prioritize leads and know when to follow up. Paperflite integrates with industry leading CRMs and Marketing tools and available across devices.
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Products and Services


Paperflite is a content management platform. With Paperflite marketing teams can curate, organize and distribute their content to sales teams, customer success teams and channel partners. Paperflite provides real-time engagement analytics on internal and external user interaction with your content so sales reps can prioritize leads and know when to follow up. Paperflite integrates with industry-leading CRMs and Marketing tools and available across devices.
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Marketing Function Customer Engagement and Retention, Metrics and Insights