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Walnut, California, United States
Company Overview
ProofHub lets you stay in ultimate control of your projects, remote teams and clients even when you are on the go. It is a saas-based project management software that fits perfectly in every work culture. It solves the four major challenges that every team faces in their projects - Planning, Collaboration, Organization and Delivering them on time.
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Products and Services


ProofHub is a platform for project planning for teams. ProofHub enables teams seeking to collaborate and track projects with Kanban boards or Gantt charts with the ability to create custom workflows. With ProofHub, choose who manages which project. A project manager will receive all the important notifications for the missed deadlines and overdue tasks and stay accountable. Create personal tasks or assign tasks to multiple people at one place. Break tasks into smaller and manageable subtasks. Add labels, set the start and due dates, set time estimates, track time spent, create recurring tasks, and attach files at one place using one task management software.
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