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Lausanne, Switzerland
Company Overview
SpotMe is an event services company that provides the tools to build feature-rich branded mobile event apps as well as offfering remote support and on-site support of events.
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Products and Services


SpotMe is a virtual event platform that drives demand, builds connections and grows revenue.
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SpotMe Express

SpotMe Express is a web-based webinar management solution that completes the spectrum of events from webinars to hybrid and virtual events. With SpotMe Express, users can create custom branded webinars with interactivity and engagement in a modern web and mobile experience, host unlimited webinars with up to 5,000 viewers and scale with enterprise-grade security and compliance, and have the ability to foster a relationship with your audience, deliver engaging content throughout the year and enhance the buying journey.
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Connect with SpotMe

Marketing Function Branding, Customer Acquisition, Customer Engagement and Retention