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Geneva, Switzerland
Company Overview
WISeKey is a leading information security and identity management company, and provides specialized security technologies for data protection, and effective identification and authentication of people and objects, over physical infrastructures, networks and the Internet to ensure secure communications and e-transactions, without compromising trust.
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Products and Services


HIRO is an end-to-end process automation solution enabled by AI. HIRO uses AI to automate a process autonomously based on knowledge provided by your employees.
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WISeID is a digital identity platform. WISeID combines in a unified solution: the “WISeID Account”, a digital identity bringing a unique credential that can be used to access to WISeKey’s and affiliated services; A Digital Certificate that enables strong authentication and digital signature, and can be also used to protect your email; a Personal Encrypted Vault, where the user can store securely confidential information; a suite of web services and Mobile Applications that enable advanced features such as strong authentication and document signature.
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