Anita Brearton: Goodbye Digital Transformation, Hello Cathedral Thinking

Anita Brearton: Struggling With MarTech? Rethink Your Agency Relationship

Anita Brearton: The Art and Science of Planning a Marketing Budget

Boston Business Journal: CabinetM and Boston's MarTech scene

The Boston area especially — led by companies like HubSpot Inc. and Constant Contact Inc. — has become a hotspot for digital marketing startups. Boston-based CabinetM, a software startup that helps marketers manage their technology, helped the Business Journal put together the attached list of 10 Greater Boston sales and market startups to watch.

Where Does AI Fit in Your Marketing Strategy?

<h2>Sounds Like AI, But Is it AI?&nbsp;</h2> <p>Part of the confusion with AI is that it&#39;s an enabling technology, not a product in itself.&nbsp;</p> <p>Part of the confusion lies in the use of the term itself. Many vendors throw the term AI around regardless of whether any AI is being leveraged in the platform. As fellow marketers, you know what happens if you give a marketer a buzzword &mdash; it suddenly shows up everywhere (solutions not&nbsp;products, integrated, optimized, scalable, intelligent and now AI algorithms).&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>The truth is many&nbsp;vendors are blurring the lines of machine learning and artificial intelligence and in many cases their products are leveraging machine learning rather than artificial intelligence.&nbsp;My colleague Sarah Fay of&nbsp;<a href="" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; cursor: pointer; color: rgb(0, 127, 165); text-decoration: none; transition: a...

Anita Brearton: Where Does AI Fit in Your Marketing Strategy?

The SalesTech Landscape

If you are looking for quick profiles of companies, check out CabinetM which focuses on Martech but also covers a fair number of SalesTech firms.

CabinetM debuts new martech management offering

CabinetM, which produces a discovery and management platform for marketing technology strategy and digital transformation, has released its new Enterprise Cabinet offering.

The subscription-based product is targeted at marketing teams and agencies and designed to help streamline workflow management between staff around planning, researching and management marketing technology strategy, acquisition and implementation.

There are five key components: collaboration architecture, a marketing stack framework, contract tracking system, messaging and reporting functionality that are permission-based, and an enterprise ‘SkillStack’environment to manage internal technology proficiency.

CabinetM CEO, Anita Brearton, said a lack of coordination and oversight is leading to escalating costs, security risk, inconsistent results and a ton of frustration around digital transformation.

New Marketing Platform Helps Companies Manage Digital Trasformation

CabinetM Inc., the discovery and management platform for marketing technology strategy and digital transformation, has released Enterprise Cabinet, a subscription-based product that helps marketing teams and the agencies that support them drive and manage their digital transformation efforts.

Anita Brearton: Are You Playing Hide and Seek With Your Customers?