Name & Tagline Generator

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Tools in this category can help generate a good name, tagline, slogan, acronym, nickname or catch phrase for a product, service, program or company. Creatives seeking branding inspiration enter key words or attributes into an online generation engine, which produces a machine-generated list of possible word-oriented branding choices.

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By Looka
Looka’s Business Name Generator is a free generation engine to help you brainstorm ideas, check domain and social media availability, and see logo ideas instantly. Looka puts human users in focus, using a proprietary process for ensuring names make s...
By IToris
Load more products on catalog pages automatically or enable the customizable Load More button using the Infinite Scroll extension for Magento 2. Show the number of products and pages, enable the "Back to Top" button, customize all labels, set custom ...
Wordoid is a free creative naming engine designed to produce unique names for any brand, product, project, domain, company or any other venture. Users generate Wordoids by selecting from an options panel.
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