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Digital Cheetah

Austin, Texas, United States
Company Overview
Digital Cheetah Solutions, Inc., is a fast-paced, innovative company providing cutting edge mobile and web solutions to not-for-profit and educational organizations.
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Products and Services


GroupShare is Digital Cheetah's scalable collaboration engine, built specifically for volunteer organizational requirements. With our solution, the members in a group will be able share files, discussions, photos, to-do lists, notes, announcements, calendars and more. In addition, Digital Cheetah’s GroupShare technology takes this a step further, through the creation and maintenance of communities of practice within your organization. This way a member within a group will experience the advantages of truly being connected to the entire volunteer population, thus enabling the boundless talent within your organization to work as a single cohesive unit.
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Volunteer/Member Empowerment

Digital Cheetah's Volunteer/Member Empowerment is a comprehensive software solution that is designed to manage a volunteer’s entire membership life cycle. From the very moment a potential volunteer engages with your organization, Digital Cheetah’s management system will become an integral part of their volunteer experience.
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