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San Carlos, California, United States
Company Overview
Innervate, formerly known as RevJet, has developed a new way to measure and optimize ad creatives with the introduction of their Creative Side Platform (CSP), a comprehensive platform for creating, measuring and optimizing programmatic, mobile, social and video ad creatives.Microsoft was an early adopter of RevJet CSP, reporting 100+% performance improvements across diverse digital ad campaigns in the first few weeks of deployment.
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Products and Services

RevJet CSP

The RevJet Creative Side Platform (CSP) is a powerful advertising management and campaign performance solution purpose-built to create, test and optimize creative ads across all channels and formats. With CSP, marketers can effortlessly see, measure and optimize all their ad creatives across all media buys, and tailor performance-optimized creatives for each of their target audiences.
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RevJet Orora Operating System

RevJet's Orora Operating System makes it easy to build automatically pre-integrated Apps for Customers and 3rd Parties. The Orora framework cuts the time and complexity of code development in half. No need to worry about functionality, scaling, data-objects and storage, integration or deployment.
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