Company Overview
locr is a leading provider of geomarketing services that let marketers use location to their advantage. locr takes data from leading geodata suppliers and converts it into geo-information services and personalized maps that can be used by marketers to enhance their mailing lists, create higher engagement, and achieve better response rates.
locr GEOservices uses precise latitude and longitude coordinates for an address. The level of accuracy can enhance your address lists so you can better target you campaign and your message.
locr personalized maps are designed to meet a variety of business goals. They can be prepared in many different styles and formats. Best of all, including a map in your application is easy. Follow these simple steps to learn how to choose the right map, customize the map style, and prepare your address data. locr animated video maps also come in three varieties: LOCALvideos, NAVIvideos and MULTIvideos. Maps can be created as graphic images for printing or to use in emails or web pages. These can be LOCALmaps, NAVImaps or MULTImaps. They can also be created as videos which can zoom in and out and animate the progress of a journey.