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WorkForce Software

Livonia, Michigan, United States
Company Overview
WorkForce Software is a software company that provides workforce management solutions with integrated employee experience capabilities. Enterprise-grade and future-ready, WorkForce Software is helping some of the world’s most innovative organizations optimize their workforce, protect against compliance risks, and increase employee engagement to unlock new potential for resiliency and optimal performance.
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Products and Services

WorkForce Suite

WorkForce Suite is an integrated employee experience and workforce management platform designed to meet the needs of the modern workforce. It adapts to each organization’s needs—no matter how unique their pay rules, labor regulations, and schedules—while delivering a breakthrough employee experience at the time and place work happens. The Suite includes predictive analytics, insights, and practical use of AI that drives real-time decision making and enables proactive actions to unlock hidden opportunities for both productivity and employee experience improvements. The Suite also offers communication and collaboration channels, in-the-moment feedback, micro-training, self-service, automation, and easy access to company information—creating powerful employee experiences that strengthen workplace bonds, as well as an integrated solution for easy, anywhere, and always-on management and optimization of your workforce, including forecasting labor requirements, scheduling, time, attendance, tasks, absence and leave.
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