Partner Discovery

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In the context of channel marketing, partner discovery refers to the process of identifying and evaluating potential third-party businesses or individuals that could be beneficial collaborators for your brand. These partners can help you reach new audiences, expand your market reach, and ultimately drive sales.

Common types of partners you might discover through this process:

  • Resellers: Businesses that purchase your product and then sell it to their own customer base.
  • Distributors: Companies that act as intermediaries, helping to get your product to retailers or other end-users.
  • Affiliates: Individuals or businesses that promote your product or service and earn a commission on any resulting sales.
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By Breezy
Breezy's platform provides an automated partner discovery engine that searches the web to uncover a diverse range of partnership opportunities, from traditional affiliates to influencers and complementary businesses. The platform aims to help partner...
By Findr
Findr offers a marketplace for companies to find partners. Findr operates a "partner matchmaking" service which makes it cost effective and easy for companies to find partners. The platform is designed to be 9x more effective than traditional methods...
PartnerOn is a platform that connects vendors and channel partners to help them discover, learn, and grow together. PartnerOn provides a range of benefits to partners, including access to new products and solutions, marketing tools, sales enablement ...
PartnerOptimizer is an AI-driven platform designed to enhance B2B technology channel partnerships. It uses advanced algorithms to help channel sales and marketing professionals discover and engage with the most suitable partners efficiently. The plat...
By Pax8
Pax8 is a cloud commerce marketplace that simplifies how businesses buy, sell, and manage cloud solutions. It modernizes the channel's cloud journey with features like consolidated billing, automated provisioning, and robust PSA integrations, support...
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