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Sydney, Australia
Company Overview
Dovetail is a cloud-based user research and customer feedback software that helps organizations centralize, analyze, and share insights from various customer data sources.
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Products and Services

Dovetail Channels

Dovetail Channels is a solution that allows product teams to transform large amounts of user feedback into powerful insights. It uses large language model (LLM) and machine learning (ML) techniques to process vast amounts of high-volume, continuous user feedback, and data sets such as support tickets, app reviews, and Net Promoter Score/Customer Satisfaction Score (NPS/CSAT) responses. Users can monitor themes in their customer feedback as Channels continuously analyzes incoming data and classifies it. This enables teams to identify patterns before they escalate into problems, aiding in effective product development prioritization. Additionally, it ensures users remain aligned with customer needs, reinforcing their internal reputation as experts.
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