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SharpCloud Software

London, United Kingdom
Company Overview
With SharpCloud, go beyond linear slide-decks and spreadsheets to data driven collaboration and storytelling.
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Products and Services


SharpCloud helps you gain new insights by exploring your data through multiple lenses. Flexible, interactive views provide unique perspectives on your data and stimulate productive conversations across your business teams. Get a clear view of how each element relates to others and their progression in time, in context with your strategy, projects and roadmaps. Easily navigate relationships to follow a train of thought and gain fresh insight into how elements of your business and project interconnect. Create multiple structured presentations that engage and inspire your audience. Dynamic and flexible, SharpCloud presentations remain up-to-date, no matter what changes you make to the story content. Share your story with an unlimited number of people, a carefully selected group or no-one at all. A simple permission structure helps you maintain control while allowing others to collaborate with you to create and enhance your story. Use an unlimited amount of detailed content to build your story, from images to YouTube videos, and create a seamless experience. Audiences can dive in, and immersion is never broken.
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