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Irvine, California, United States
Company Overview
BlueCava produces the Audience Association Platform, which provides cross screen reach, targeting and measurement products for brands, advertisers, data companies and adtech players. With insight into which screens influence and convert, combined with meaningful audience data, BlueCava arms marketers with actionable metrics that improve user experience, increase conversion, and maximize revenue.
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Products and Services

Audience Assocation Platform

BlueCava's Audience Association Platform maps all the screens, consumers, and households in the online universe, establishing connections and making it easy to analyze and reach the high-value targets. BlueCava identifies, analyzes, synchronizes and scores incoming device data. The platform then establishes the various connections between screens, consumers and households through its proprietary association process. These connections are standardized to common industry identifiers and combined with audience segments, activities and data. The result is returned in an Association Graph that enables marketers to implement cross-screen targeting, measurement and optimize their audience reach and frequency.
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Connect with BlueCava

Marketing Function Channel Marketing, Customer Engagement and Retention, Metrics and Insights