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Santa Clara, California, United States
Company Overview
CloudCC is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) software provider that offers a wide range of features to help businesses manage their customer relationships. CloudCC's solutions are designed to be easy to use and scalable, and they can be customized to meet the specific needs of each business. CloudCC is a good option for businesses of all sizes that are looking for a cloud-based CRM solution that can help them improve their customer relationships.
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Products and Services

CloudCC Partner Cloud

CloudCC Partner Cloud is part of CloudCC's CRM platform, which focuses on facilitating close collaboration between companies and their partners. It helps manage and automate key partnership activities such as joint sales and marketing efforts. The platform is highly customizable and integrates various functionalities like sales management, marketing automation, and customer service to enhance partnership operations. CloudCC is designed to support businesses ranging from small enterprises to large corporations, offering a scalable solution for managing partner relationships effectively.
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