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Chicago, Illinois, United States
Company Overview
ActiveCampaign is an integrated marketing automation, email marketing, and automated sales platform.
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Products and Services


ActiveCampaign is an integrated marketing automation, email marketing, and automated sales CRM platform. Leverages Predictive Content, a machine learning feature that predicts the most engaging message for each individual being emailed based on only a handful of user inputs. Manage their important core business functions across the entire customer lifecycle — all from phones. ActiveCampaign's partnership with Dubb lets ActiveCampaign users instantly share and track video content in any ActiveCampaign email campaign. ActiveCampaign enables businesses to build automations leveraging custom objects. With custom objects, businesses of all sizes can trigger automations from unique data specific to their business model.
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DMARC Digests

DMARC Digests is a solution that makes it easy to identify email authentication issues causing DMARC failures and resolve problems that impact your deliverability.
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