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Austin, Texas, United States
Company Overview (formerly known as and Hifive) is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform designed to facilitate co-selling partnerships between companies. It helps sales teams identify overlapping customers and prospects with their partners to drive warm introductions and new revenue opportunities.
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CoSell is a SaaS platform that operates as a referral selling platform specifically tailored for B2B sales teams. It is designed to enhance collaboration among sales teams by leveraging existing business relationships to generate warm referrals, which are known to significantly improve win rates and deal sizes. CoSell focuses on discovering overlapping customer relationships between partners to uncover the most strategic opportunities for revenue growth. This approach not only identifies new sales opportunities but also strengthens existing account relationships. Key features of CoSell include collaboration tools, goal management, lead management, and partner relationship management, which help sales teams to efficiently manage and track their co-selling efforts. The platform provides customized pricing plans based on the specific needs of its users.
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