Direct Mail Tracking and Measurement

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Direct Mail Tracking tools show marketers when and how marketing collateral is delivered. Tracking tools may deliver audience insights on the best time to deliver pieces, provide delivery confirmation and dashboards to show response and engagement trends among mail recipients.

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AccuTrace is an intelligent mail tracking solution that allows you to track millions of mail pieces and millions of QR codes for one flat monthly fee. The fair and unlimited usage pricing model helps you generate more revenue with reduced costs.
Attribution with IP Targeting from Semcasting assigns a persistent ID to the IP address in the match process to prove performance through the delivery of impressions, a click-through, website visits and even an in-store purchase.
AutoViri Auditor is a direct mail tool leverages the audit trails created by AutoViri Builder and/or AutoViri Monitor to more easily appeal USPS Mailer Scorecard postage assessments and/or improve operations. Allows you to compare the actual USPS Mai...
AutoViri Monitor automates the prevention and detection of at least 17 types of USPS Mailer Scorecard errors.
Basis Assistant is a web browser extension for media professionals to document how they are adjusting campaign tactics in-flight across all their campaigns. Work on current tasks without switching programs and reduce the number of third-party tools (...
Chat Center is a mobile-ready, customizable SaaS chat widget. Chat Center offers advanced features including Universal Chat Names or IDs, Chat IDs that are expressed as URLs, and a “Click to Chat” button that can be activated from any web or email li...
CRM Hub automates physical mail processes, enhancing marketing automation by streamlining communication and enabling the delivery of personalized, high-impact mail at scale. This CRM-integrated tool aims to streamline mail campaigns, offering effortl...
ConfirmDelivery is technology for tracking each mail piece. Track directly online via ConfirmDelivery software or from your personal database. We also work closely with the post office in helping our clients find lost mail pieces and obtain the deliv...
Data Visualizations platform is highly intuitive and interactive, helping you answer critical questions that impact your mail while showing trends and outliers that you might miss in traditional reports.
DirectMail2.0 is a marketing-based solution designed to seamlessly track the effectiveness of your direct mail campaign while enhancing the results through the integration of digital platforms. Our marketing platform is designed as an Omnichannel Mar...
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