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New York, New York, United States
Company Overview
GroundTruth is a global location technology company.
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Products and Services

Ads Manager

Ads Manager allows you to buy and manage all of GroundTruth's available advertising products in a single, easy-to-use platform. And, with readily accessible reporting and analytics, you can track and optimize your campaigns in just seconds. Self-served and managed clients can automatically differentiate bids for each impression, and optimize towards driving physical visits.
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Audience Targeting

GroundTruth's Audience Targeting solution allows you to target three types of audiences for more effective customer acquisition. Location Audiences are people who have visited a specific brand or category within a specified timeframe up to 90 days. Behavioral Audiences combine visitation behaviors with demographic information to inform different audience profiles, which define consumer lifestyle and interests. Our Audience Manager lets you create tailored audience segments based on visitation data, behavioral attributes, demographic details, and purchase information.
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Data Offerings

GroundTruth's Data Offerings include Visitation Data, Audience Data, and Trade Area Data. With Visitation Data, you can see trends in visitation behavior at a granular level, understand cross shopping tendencies and how they change over time, and understand individual users based on their movements. Audience Data helps you target ads to segmented groups based on past visitation or other audience types, as well as understand what types of people are visiting your brand and how that varies from your competitors. Trade Area Data is for understanding which residential areas the customers at individual stores come from and understanding which individual stores people from certain residential areas are most and least likely to shop in.
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Location SDK

GroundTruth's Location SDK is a software development kit that can help publishers and brands by providing sophisticated location intelligence to their apps. Verified location signals are mapped to real world places through GroundTruth's Blueprints technology. When the user is within the boundaries of a Blueprint, the app is notified in real-time. The SDK design includes sophisticated algorithms to preserve battery life. Built for iOS and Android operating systems, the SDK leverages supported Location and Motion frameworks.
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Location Targeting

GroundTruth's Location Targeting solution offers several ways to target consumers by location. On-Premise allows you to reach consumers in real-time when they are in Blueprinted locations. You can target specific locations, parking lots or areas within walking distance, to immediately impact present and future behaviors. Proximity allows you to define a radius around a specific location to message or influence nearby consumer behavior. Neighborhoods allow marketers to target unique geographical boundaries based on the combination of visitation patterns and audience segments, providing a scalable custom-targeting solution.
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True Performance

GroundTruth's True Performance solutions allow you to pay only for results or actions that precisely meet your business objective. Cost Per Visit is an online-to-offline attribution product that removes the risk or guesswork of traditional media buying, as marketers only pay when in-store visits occur. This new model shifts accountability from buyer to partner, bringing improved transparency and simplicity to the advertising industry. SKU-level Sales is a Return on Ad Spend buying model where advertisers only pay for additional product sales generated by the campaign, as measured by top measurement providers, including but not limited to IRI, Kantar Worldpanel, Nielsen Catalina Solutions, and RSI’s Ansa automated analytics solution.
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Weather Targeting

GroundTruth's Weather Targeting solution can target based on the current weather and the forecasted conditions. Combined with location data, weather triggers allow marketers to provide the most contextual, relevant and tailored message to customers and tap into consumers’ moods, desires and purchase intent at any given moment and location.
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