Company Overview
Claritas is the preferred choice of companies who wish to optimize their segmentation, customer targeting and media strategies. Claritas helps business attract the best customers through understanding the demographic characteristics, lifestyle behaviors and purchase preferences that drive customer decisions. Claritas solutions answer questions such as:
The Claritas SPOTLIGHT platform powered by Environics Analytics, is a self-serve data analytics reporting platform that provides in-depth consumer and market insights for small businesses, financial advisors, realtors and others to help optimize their marketing initiatives and grow their business.
Claritas ConneXions integrates consumer usage of technology with demographics and lifestyle attributes to enable companies focused on technology to use smart data to drive their marketing strategies. Exclusive to ConneXions is Claritas Technodoption, a proprietary Claritas model that measures a household's willingness to adopt new technology.
CultureCode divides the multicultural market into two major segmentations. Hispanicity provides insight into the vast Hispanic/Latino-American consumer. Asianicity addresses the fast-growing Asian-American market. CultureCode data breaks down ethnographic and demographic data into 245 multicultural audience groups. CultureCode deepens and enriches the picture of each multicultural audience by refining with additional demographic economic, behavioral, and attitudinal attributes, including life stage, shopping behavior, socio-economic status, lifestyles, spending potential and psychographics.
P$YCLE Premier is a tool for providing audience data to financial marketers. P$YCLE Premier is appended to customer files to provide insight as to the financial needs and behaviors of American households. Drawing on financial transactions data as well as the most comprehensive survey of financial behavior, marketers using P$YCLE know more about people’s financial lives including loans, credit cards, mortgages, insurance policies, 401Ks, online banking behavior, account balances with 60 precisely defined segments.
PRIZM Premier is a segmentation solution that combines demographic, consumer behavior, and geographic data to help marketers find and engage their customers and prospects. PRIZM Premier defines households with 68 demographically and behaviorally distinct segments discerning consumers’ likes, dislikes, lifestyles and purchase behaviors in a way that’s contextual and easy to communicate and activate. PRIZM Premier segments summarize complex consumer profiles in a way that is intuitive and easy to communicate. PRIZM Premier's 68 segments are defined according to socioeconomic rank, including characteristics such as income, education, occupation and home value as well as 11 Lifestage Groups and 14 Social Groups. PRIZM Premier Social Groups are based on urbanization and socioeconomic rank. PRIZM Premier Lifestage Groups are based on age, socioeconomic rank, and the presence of children at home.